Hey everyone. In this thread, I'd like to know how can you guys tell when a friend, or a loved one truly cares about you? For me, it comes down to about 4 things:

1. We talk very often, especially when THEY start the conversation. Majority of the time, I start a convo with my friends it seems >_>.

2. They can read my emotions. This is a big one for me, as if I'm close to someone, I'd like them to tell if something is bothering me so I won't feel helpless or alone wherever I am.

3. They're honest with me. If I ever do something they don't like, such as make to many perverted jokes, poke/tickle them to much or just annoy them, they'd let me know so I can tone it down. I don't like it when people lie to me too much, as it makes my trust in them start to fade.

4. If I'm in a bad mood, they'll pester me. Wait what? Yeah, some people like to be left alone when they're ticked off, but I VERY VERY much prefer it if I'm in a bad mood and a friend asks me what's wrong. Then, if I turn my head away or ignore them, they would continue to pester me until I'm driven to the point of wanting there head on a platter, or I just spill the beans. Either way, when I'm pestered like that in a bad mood, it proves to me that said person is really concerned. Currently, there is only ONE person at my school who does this. My other 3 friends who would have already graduated.

So, what does someone have to do to you in order for you to think they truly care about you?